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T-shirt Bracelet

I love when the kids can make things with their hands and when they figure out how to do something, it won't be long until there are 25 of them in my house.  After I showed them how to make this jersey knit bracelet for a friend's birthday, they continued to make them for the next 2 days, until I had seen more bracelets then I cared to see.

We used a set of jersey knit sheets and cut them in strips as instructed, but they were a bit too long for the kids and we only needed 2 strips instead of 3.  The first one was a bit tricky to get the hang of, but once you get the general idea of the loops, you can fly through the bracelets like no body's business.  The kids made bracelets, and necklaces and had a blast doing it.  

Melted Crayon Project

This was so fun!  We have seen it circling around the net a few times and just knew we had to do it this summer.
CANVAS - Any size will do, we used a 16X20.
CRAYONS - Will depend on size of canvas, we used a 64 box and a 24 box.
HEAT GUN - I have seen some use a hair dryer, but it is a bit harder to melt the crayons.
HOT GLUE GUN - and some glue sticks, we went through about 4 sticks.
First I had B separate the crayons from the boxes and put them into color piles.
Then we put the crayons in order of the rainbow (ROYGBIV), and took a before pic.
There were a few extras that were removed as we went along.
Then we hot glued the crayons to the canvas board.

 Then we were ready to "heat it up!"
 So we set it up outside and got the "heat on"...
The crayons started melting INSTANTLY. 
 Then you just run the heat gun back and forth on the canvas as they melt.  The longer you hold it in one spot, the quicker it will run down the canvas.
Then when you have melted as much as you like, your done! 
That's all there is to it!